Day 112 – give me your decklists, your spoilers, your huddled… oh wait, that’s something different

First things first: I promised you deck lists. More than that, I promised you the deck list. This work of art is the reason chaos drafting is awesome:

chaos draft

Look at it! It even had a Muzzio’s Preparation buffing the Syphon Sliver to an awesome 3/3 lifelinker for 2B. If you’ve ever wondered, what true beauty looks like, there you go. This is a pile of awesomeness and bombs, and really, what more could you ask? Unfortunately, games of Magic are not decided by beauty, but by little things like consistence. And as consistent as this deck did operate (neither the mana nor the curve are that bad), it was usually just short of stabilizing. Sometimes it was short one turn, sometimes less, and sometimes it needed the second Island to win. But it did fall short. A lot. I don’t care, it’s still beautiful. And thus, my transformation to a casual Magic player is complete.

Next up: my three fifth dawn drafts


result 3-0

So, this was my first Mirrodin draft ever. As I mentioned, I got a fourth pick Morningstar, which led me to believe my colors were open, and the rest is fairly straightforward. I unfortunately never got the Salvagers running – and if I had remembered that card existed, I would have taken a spellbomb – but a girl can dream, right? Most of my opponents had horrible decks, played badly, and died to my equipments. It felt like white was sort of the color to be in, and little white dudes + equips the deck to draft.

result 3-0

result 3-0

So, that’s exactly what I did. This time I did get Auriok Salvagers going – multiple times – and let me just quickly reassure you that yes, it is exactly as awesome as it sounds. Pristine Angel is obviously not even remotely fair, the good old 3/4 vigilance for three in Razor Golem is also kind of decent and your grizzlys drawing cards isn’t bad either. Oh, and Loxodon Anchorite, yeah, that guy is good too. Don’t get me started on Blinding Beam (it’s a bit of a beating). This deck was crazy and it won easily.


result 2-1

So, what went wrong here? We’ve got another Angel, we’ve got an Eternal Witness, we’ve got some equipments and honestly, this looks sweet. First of all, I never drew the Angel or the Rude Awakening, which was kind of a bummer. It wasn’t the reason I ended up losing the finals to Loxodon Warhammer though (fun uncommon, by the way). The reason was, that a) I had started a Modern Masters draft and thus played terribly, and b) I ended up misclicking twice due to lagg + frustration. So, yeah, I deserved that.

Modern Masters you say? Why, yes, I did do one more draft, when I noticed that they still hadn’t taken them down. I’d love to show it to you too, but unfortunately Modo seems to have other plans. I’m sure it is somewhere, but five minutes of searching yielded no result, so I guess I will accept Modos decision on the subject. I split it though, so that is sweet.

So, yeah, that’s the Magic I played this week. I’m getting back into the swing of things a little. For the weekend I’m stuck with my little brothers, but since we’re at our home (not theirs), and there is now internet in my home, I might find a few hours to play anyway.

Let’s go to our regularly scheduled spoiler section (geez, what am I going to do after next week, when the set is spoiled?)

Don’t quote me on this, but I am starting to have the sneaking suspicion that Elves as a tribe might be a thing in Magic Origins.

Oh really? What an interesting and daring hypothesis, please do tell me more. You, Iris, are an endless wellspring of wisdom and knowledge. Why, thank you, other part of my schizophrenic mind, you’re not too bad yourself!

Getting back on course, Shaman of the Pack seems like a pretty sweet aggressive three drop. If you draft BG, you’ll probably end up with at least some random elves in your deck, so if you’re looking to beat down, this card does that quite well. If you aren’t into killing your opponent at all, it’s a lot less appealing, but still not completely unplayable. Plus, why would you not want to kill your opponent?

The most interesting thing for me here might just be that they chose to reprint Sylvan Messenger. Considering they’re also bringing back Goblin Piledriver for a go at Modern (and Standard, if anyone’s interested), what are the chances they will reprint Goblin Ringleader too? Not terribly high – I mean, it’s not like they’ll randomly give us Enlistment Officers or Tidal Courier – but maybe not nil? I know it’s just wishful thinking, but man, I’d be happy to see that guy. The two types of decks I really enjoy playing are a) draw a bunch of cards and do nothing and b) bash your opponents face in while he is drawing a bunch of cards, doing nothing. Legacy Goblins combines these two approaches in a truly beautiful way, and the few times I played it were enough to make me fall madly in love. I think I drew an average of 1,1 cards (or something in that ballpark) off my Ringleaders – which I have been assured many times is absurdly unlucky – but they were still my favorite card. A four mana 2/2 cantrip haste in Legacy? Count me in! Being able to potentially maybe play a deck like this in modern might actually make me love the format.

If you would excuse me, I need to do some dreaming.

One goblin, two goblins, three goblins, four go… *falls asleep blissfully*

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